
褪黑激素 is a hormone that is mostly k现在n for maintaining circadian rhythms and sleep. The pineal gland produces this hormone at night and blocks its release during the day. The body makes melatonin naturally, enough for people to sleep on their own.

The circadian rhythm is the body’s internal clock that tells the body when to sleep and when to wake over the course of 24-hour cycles based on the daily pattern of light and dark. The dark stimulates the body to produce more melatonin, putting you into a state of quiet wakefulness and signaling the body to sleep. 当光明到来, it prompts the body to stop producing melatonin and signals the body to be awake.

褪黑激素 can also be taken naturally by consuming food that contains melatonin. You can also take a synthetic supplement in a pill or gummy form that you can buy in a 药店.

除了保持睡眠, people also use melatonin for depression, 慢性疼痛, 痴呆, 还有很多其他情况, but there are still no studies supporting this.

褪黑素越来越受欢迎, with more than six million people using them in 2022, according to a study from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

If you are considering using melatonin for sleep, keep on reading!

作为你信任的人 零售药店新葡京平台 will help you look at melatonin’s role in the body and understand exactly how it works and whether it causes adverse effects.

  • 褪黑素是如何起作用的?

    Because melatonin’s job is to signal your body when it’s time to sleep and time to wake, melatonin supplements are getting popular among people with:

    • 失眠
    • 时差
    • 延迟性睡眠障碍
    • Circadian rhythm disorders in blind people
    • Trouble sleeping for night shift workers
    • Sleep-wake cycle issues in children with disabilities

    High levels of melatonin can help you fall asleep, but melatonin itself won’t knock you out since it only tricks your body into feeling like it’s time to sleep.

  • 如何服用褪黑素

    If you’re considering trying melatonin for insomnia, you should start with a recommended low-dose supplement. Adults can take up to 8 mg by mouth daily for up to 6 months, while children can take up to 3 mg by mouth daily for up to 3 months.

    But before anything else, it is best to talk with a healthcare professional before adding 场外 褪黑素对日常生活的影响. 请咨询医生或药剂师.

  • 副作用

    Most studies today suggest that melatonin supplements are safe, 无毒, and not addictive for either children or adults. But there are still mild side effects that were reported, including:

    • 头疼
    • 头晕
    • 恶心想吐
    • 睡意
    • 白天嗜睡
    • 乏力
    • 一种冰冷的感觉

    The possible long-term side effects of using melatonin are still unclear.

  • 注意事项和警告

    Although there is not enough information about the possible side effects of melatonin and that short-term use is proven safe for most people, you should not take a high dose to sleep even more. Check out these precautions before taking supplements.

    • Pregnancy: If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, you should not take melatonin as it may be unsafe. It might have effects similar to birth control.
    • 母乳喂养:目前, there is still no study about the negative effects of taking melatonin while breastfeeding. But for your and your baby’s safety, you should avoid using it.
    • Children: 褪黑激素 is possibly safe for short-term use in children with a medical need.
    • Bleeding disorders: It might worsen bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.
    • Depression: It can worsen symptoms of depression.
    • High blood pressure: 褪黑激素 can also increase blood pressure in people with hypertension.
    • Seizure disorders: 褪黑激素 might increase the risk of having a seizure.
    • Interactions with medicines: People who are taking medications should consult their doctors or 医药服务 使用褪黑激素前的提供者, as it can affect the effectiveness of the medications they are already taking.
    • Possible allergic reaction risk: Make sure that you do not have any allergic reactions to melatonin supplements.
  • 知道什么时候停下来

    If melatonin for sleep isn’t helping you after a week or two, you should stop using it. If it works, make sure to consult your doctor when to stop using it.

    Also, to get the best results, ensure that you don’t disrupt its effects with artificial light. Sleep in a cool, dark, comfortable bedroom. 睡前放松. 保持灯光昏暗. Stop using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, and turn off bright overhead lights. If you are watching TV, you should be six feet away from the screen. You should also get exposure to daylight during the morning and afternoon.

Do you have more questions about melatonin? 请随意 寄给新葡京官网 一个消息!

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